AU LEGEND-101-2023


SLOV 107-27-12-FUTURE. Father to NIGHT ANGEL
the 1st Place South Africa Million Dollar Final Race winner. NIGHT ANGEL won by 16 minutes ahead of the 2nd place pigeon. A very tough well fought race with only 3 days birds from a long distance of 373 miles against 1,548 pigeons, flying 12 hours on the wing, with head winds and 90 degrees. It was a beautiful day allowing the best racing pigeons from around the world to show their quality and skills.
NIGHT ANGEL's family have been dominating their competition in Slovenije for years - including CLOUD 9- (SLOV 107-6272-20) 1 Place Winner Victoria Falls International One Loft Race in Zimbabwe Africa- 375 miles against 1,555 pigeons.
A family that has bred the 1st Ace Pigeon of Slovenije and several others that finished in the top 10 ace awards. A sister to NIGHT ANGEL bred the 6th Place Pattaya International One Loft Race Winner in 2021 only losing by 2 seconds against 4,033 pigeons from 330 miles.
Another sister to NIGHT ANGEL bred the 18th Place Winner in the Hoosier Classic International One Loft Race in 2021 against 1,202 pigeons from 358 miles Super family of winners!

Belg 3181936-09-WOLVERINE.The #1 bloodline for one loft races in the world!. Here are just a few big winners down from WOLVERINE:
*RED MONKEY-1 Place Victoria Falls Final Race winning $200,000
*HILDABEAST-winner of 2nd Place, 2 bird drop. Hoosier Classic 350 mile Final Race 2020, winning $175,000 USD
*MIKE HAS A VERY GOOD ONE-winning over $100,000 USD S.A.M.D.P.R. Gr.mother to more than $500,000 USD in winnings
*JAWS 1-2nd Place Victoria Falls Final Race $100,000 USD.
*PIRATE-3rd Place, 2nd Ace Pigeon Crooked River Final 2020, winning $62,173 USD, 350 miles
*THRILLER - 1st Place Southern Belle Final 2020, 323 miles, winning $53,650 USD
*TAE KWON DO- 3rd Place Pattaya International Race- Thailand 4,033 birds winning $40,000 USD
5th Place Victoria Falls Final Race 2020, winning $30,000 Half brother won
1st Place SAMDPR Winner 2008 $200,000 USD. *
1st Grand Average Winner 2019 SAMDPR $25,000 USD
* 14th Place Pattaya International Final Race 2019
15th Place 2019 SAMDPR Final Race
9th Grand Average 2019 S.A.M.D.P.R.
7th Place Victoria Falls Yearling Race, 370 miles
* 4th Place Hoosier Classic Final Race 2020, 400 miles
* 1st Ace Pigeon/2nd Place New England Derby 2020 Final Race
9th Ace Pigeon Victoria FallsOver $1,500,000 USD been won with WOLVERINE bloodline!

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