DV 1219-12-0029- SAID IN SPUN SILVER. Winning 2nd PlaceSouth Africa Million Dollar race. There were two birds thatarrived together UNTAMED DESERT (NL 1231153-12) and SAID IN SPUN SILVER. UNTAMED DESERT walked in forfirst place. These two winning pigeons won over $345,000USD. They raced against 2,793 birds from 593 km withtemperatures over 96 degrees and 100% humidity.In the No. 1 pigeon race in the world, SAID IN SPUNSILVER also won:
23 nd Place 380 km 2,960 birds Care Race *5
1st Place Knock Out Winner
4 th Grand Average Winner
NL 9669302-96-ROCKET 1st National Ace Pigeon All Holland Old Birds N.P.O 1999
Rocket should have been the only 1st National Ace All Holland to win back to back years if he had been entered in the competition in 1998. He had the most points two years in a row in national competition.The Rocket's family is the old Tournier bloodline. The fancier who raced the Rocket raced onl 14 males in shortş middle and one day long distance races. Four full brothers and fivedirect sons of the Rocket were all 1st prize winners.
Belg 3181936-09-WOLVERINE.The #1 bloodline for one loft races in the world!. Here are just a few big winners down from WOLVERINE:
*RED MONKEY-1 Place Victoria Falls Final Race winning $200,000
*HILDABEAST-winner of 2nd Place, 2 bird drop. Hoosier Classic 350 mile Final Race 2020, winning $175,000 USD
*MIKE HAS A VERY GOOD ONE-winning over $100,000 USD S.A.M.D.P.R. Gr.mother to more than $500,000 USD in winnings
*JAWS 1-2nd Place Victoria Falls Final Race $100,000 USD.
*PIRATE-3rd Place, 2nd Ace Pigeon Crooked River Final 2020, winning $62,173 USD, 350 miles
*THRILLER - 1st Place Southern Belle Final 2020, 323 miles, winning $53,650 USD
*TAE KWON DO- 3rd Place Pattaya International Race- Thailand 4,033 birds winning $40,000 USD
5th Place Victoria Falls Final Race 2020, winning $30,000 Half brother won
1st Place SAMDPR Winner 2008 $200,000 USD. *
1st Grand Average Winner 2019 SAMDPR $25,000 USD
* 14th Place Pattaya International Final Race 2019
15th Place 2019 SAMDPR Final Race
9th Grand Average 2019 S.A.M.D.P.R.
7th Place Victoria Falls Yearling Race, 370 miles
* 4th Place Hoosier Classic Final Race 2020, 400 miles
* 1st Ace Pigeon/2nd Place New England Derby 2020 Final Race
9th Ace Pigeon Victoria FallsOver $1,500,000 USD been won with WOLVERINE bloodline!